Smoke Free – Vape Free Signs/Decals
TOBACCO AND VAPOUR PRODUCTS CONTROL ACT. In 2007 the BC Government brought forth a Smoke Free law (2.2) to the public domain. In 2016 this law was revised to include VAPING. Advantage r&n is committed to providing composite aluminum and aluminum signs along with adhesive decals. By LAW – all infrastructure locals (hospitals, businesses, churches, campuses, all schools, airports, etc.) and public open areas (parks, stadiums, etc.) are required to POST these signs/decals. YES – we can and will customize the graphic upon request. Advantage r&n offers BULK/BROKER pricing on these items to further support of BC’s stance supporting better health for all. An example of the order form and options is available for review. We are happy to assist should you have questions and would like to place an order.

Gardens of Gethsemani Cemetery
Full Site Wayfinding Sign System (Street Posts with Custom Coloured Sign Blades, 50% size Regulatory Signs, Directional Signs Locator Maps & Site Regulations/Rules) *3D Aluminum Gate Letters. *Custom Donor Recognition Sign *8’ x 8’ Aluminum Powder Panel & Posts (3D items, Screen Printed Names, Inground install on 6” x 6” x 10’ Posts) *Hoarding/Temporary signs throughout the year (Open House Events, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Remembrance Day, etc., NEW Construction Area)

John Paul II Pastoral Centre - VANCOUVER, BC
Full Scope signage project: Worked directly with Owners, assisted with design options, Created Wayfinding Grid, Wrote Tender Documents, Managed Tender, Awarded Sign Package, worked with selected provider, monitored production schedule (for Owners), monitored all installation, Handled City of Vancouver – sign permits and subsequent successful appeal.

Adhesive Decals/Labels - North America
Decal ID’s are seen everywhere today. If you have a need – we are here to fill that for you; CODE, SAFETY, WARNING, CUSTOM --- No order too small nor too big (yes – we provide BULK and at Broker Pricing. CONTACT US TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE!

Canada Line - Light Rapid Transit
Vancouver, Richmond and VVR Airport
2007 through 2009 - Canada West Co-Owner of Advantage r&n was the lead Project/Account Manager for Full Scope Signage of the Canada Line (while employed with a sign company in Surrey, BC). This project was inclusive of train yard and building signage (interior/exterior) all rail markers, tunnel signage, fence signage as well as station signage (interior/exterior) for 17 stations. The majority of the work was through SLV Joint Ventures for the duration of the project.

Site Assessments / Reviews
Near or far – site assessments or reviews are provided by Advantage r&n whenever a need arises. Frequently realized for Wayfinding (interior and exterior) Advantage r&n will frequently be seen “on site” for hoarding and temp signage, ISM and Large Format Recommendations; we take pictures. reconfirming measurements, etc. Whatever it takes to ensure all bases are covered.

Abbotsford, BC. In September 2018 – Advantage produced and installed unique graphics in the Science Wing at the University of Fraser Valley – weekend project -in and out in one day.

Custom Stations of the Cross Podiums
Advantage r&n was approached by John Clark Architects to assist with the design and build of 15 unique markers for the Stations of the Cross for CCCS in Derouche, BC. These in-ground mounted podiums sit just over 2’ above the ground with the name of each station and number noted on the face; custom metal fabrication and powder coating along with custom graphics were selected to “blend” with the bronze statues.

Grocery Store Décor Packages
Account Management of supply and install of full Décor Packages for NEW construction as well as complete renovations of nine (9) stores within 7 months. Full Scope included Unique applications in various locations, Aisle Markers, 3D Letters, Wall Graphics, Custom Metal Fabricated, Powder Coated Frames with Graphic Inserts, 3D Graphics, Large Wall Murals and more. Stores Locations: British Columbia